Who We Are?
In honour of being the proud recipients of the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund (SEYMF) awards, a cohort of stupendous budding scholars (Youders) constituted Sir Edward Youde Scholars Association (SEYSA) in 1992.
Dedicated for the beneficiaries of the SEYMF, SEYSA positions itself as an exclusive network in which fellow members from diversified backgrounds and specialisations connect to express and discuss their views for the improvement of society. It enables members to put their talents and ideas into real actions for bringing valuable impact and positive influence in our community, both individually and collectively.
In the past two and a half decades, thanks to Youders’ success and participation in the top positions of different fields and professions, SEYSA has blossomed into a renowned organisation exerting immense influence, as well as responsibilities, to our society.

Our Mission
SEYSA founds itself on the three “S” principles, and designs its year-to-year running accordingly. They are: