Join Us / Renewal
Any person who has been awarded a fellowship or scholarship, for local or overseas studies, or any other awards under the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund may apply for membership of the Association. The Committee may by special resolution to decide on the eligibility of membership for any new award scheme carried out by the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Council.
Membership fee can be charged annually based on the SEYMF award you received; alternatively you may choose a life membership which only equals to 15 times of the full membership fee for that current year.

Category of Memberships
Full Membership:
- Awards for Disabled Students
- Awards for Self-improvement for Working Adults
- Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students
- Fellowships for Overseas Studies
- Fellowships for Postgraduate Research Students
- Medals
- Outstanding Apprentice Awards
- Overseas Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students
- Scholarships for Overseas Studies
- Scholarships for Undergraduate and Diploma Students
Associate Membership:
- Prizes for Senior Secondary School Students
Full Membership
(For SEYMF Scholarship, Fellowship, Medal, and other awardees)- For recipients of SEYMF Scholarship, Fellowship, Medal, and other awardees
- A not-for-sale signature GOLD pin* with SEYSA emblem to show our unity in different occasions; (Presented when you first join Award Gala Dinner)
- Eligibility to vote in AGM;
- Eligibility to attend our close-door exclusive events with honourable guest speakers;
- Special discount in various SEYSA functions;
- Regular updates from SEYSA communication channels including our official page on Facebook and email list.
- Exclusive access to our members’ forum where you can share your views with fellow members and get advice on topics covering academic, further studies and career development;
- To see and to be seen, and establishing unparalleled network with highly outstanding individuals from different industries and fields.
- The membership will be valid until the end of January the following year and one-month grace period will be granted for the renewal
Associate Membership
(For SEYMF Prize recipients)- For recipients of SEYMF Prize
- A not-for-sale signature SILVER pin* with SEYSA emblem to show our unity in different occasions; (Presented when you first join Award Gala Dinner)
- Eligibility to attend our close-door exclusive events with honourable guest speakers;
- Special discount in various SEYSA functions;
- Eligibility to become a member of our functional committees, inserting a positive impact to our society with other Youders;
- Regular updates from SEYSA communication channels including our official page on Facebook and email list.
- Exclusive access to our members’ forum where you can share your views with fellow members and get advice on topics covering academic, further studies and career development;
- To see and to be seen, and establishing unparalleled network with highly outstanding individuals from different industries and fields.
- The membership will be valid until the end of January the following year and one-month grace period will be granted for the renewal
Life-long Membership
(Applicable to all awardees)- Eligible for all awardees
- Membership status will be permanent
- A not-for-sale signature pin* with SEYSA emblem to show our unity in different occasions; (Presented when you first join Award Gala Dinner)
- Eligibility to attend our close-door exclusive events with honourable guest speakers;
- Life-time special discount in various SEYSA functions;
- Eligibility to become a member of our functional committees, inserting a positive impact to our society with other Youders;
- Regular updates from SEYSA communication channels including our official page on Facebook and email list.
- Exclusive access to our members’ forum where you can share your views with fellow members and get advice on topics covering academic, further studies and career development;
- To see and to be seen, and establishing unparalleled network with highly outstanding individuals from different industries and fields.
Membership Application Form
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I become a member of SEYSA?
Every year, we take in beneficiaries of SEYMF. This effectively means that recipients of the following awards are eligible for a place in the association, namely:
- Awards for Disabled Students
- Awards for Self-improvement for Working Adults
- Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students
- Fellowships for Overseas Studies
- Fellowships for Postgraduate Research Students
- Medals
- Outstanding Apprentice Awards
- Overseas Fellowship / Scholarship for Disabled Students
- Prizes for Senior Secondary School Students
- Scholarships for Overseas Studies
- Scholarships for Undergraduate and Diploma Students
What is the difference of Associate member and Full member?
The memberships are classified by the award types you received. According to the above awards, only the Prize recipients are eligible to apply for the associate membership. For the rest of the awardees, they have to apply for the full membership.
What is special about Life-long membership
How long does the membership last for?
For every yearly membership, the expire date will be the last day of a regular year (Dec 31). No matter when you apply for the membership, it has to renewed in the new year if you want to remain your membership status. “