SEYSA Youth Programme
2017 – 2018
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Q: What selection criteria should schools bear in mind when selecting students? Are you looking for academically high-achieving ones? 當學校挑選學生時,該以什麼為甄選標準?計劃是否期望錄取學業成績優異的學生?
A: As YP aims at developing youngsters throughout the programme, we do not expect participants to be extremely smart to join our programme. Rather, positively motivated learning attitude matters more. We do not believe that academic achievement determines every quality of a student.
Q: Do you use English or Cantonese as medium of instruction in the activities? 在活動進行時,指導語言將採用英文還是粵語?
A: Both Chinese and English are used as medium of instruction in Youth Programme, and we require at least one bilingual member for each team.
Q: Do you expect school teachers to be present during the activities? 學校老師是否需要出席活動?
A: We very much welcome school teachers to observe the learning environment of students in our programme. But teachers’ presence in all activities is not compulsory.
Q: How much participation rate are you looking for to get a certificate? 參加者需要有怎樣的出席率,才能獲取證書?
A: 75% participation rate is expected.
Q: Where will the activities be held at? 活動將在哪裡舉行?
A: It depends on the nature of the activity. E.g. for visits, they will be held at the corresponding organisation; for seminars and ceremonies, they will most likely be held at educational institutions such as HKU & CUHK.
Q: How many participants will you take in total? 計劃將錄取多少參加者?
A: As we have just started the application period, we are still yet to observe how many participants register in order to determine the final cap of intake number. At this stage, we can only say that we probably will not take more than 200 participants.
Q: Do you accept all applications or select some? 所有申請都將被接納,還是需要通過篩選?
A: As we have just started the application period, we are still yet to observe how many participants register in order to determine how many applications to filter out. But we value how passionate participants are and their learning motives from looking at their statements given in the application form.
Q: Can primary 4-5 students handle the programme? 小學四至五年級的學生適合參與此計劃嗎?
A: We did discuss the range of targets’ age suitable for YP and finally came up with no lower limit. Our rationale is that we do not want to arbitrarily have a cut-off age for participants’ legibility since we think that every student has his/her potential and ability, if a P.3 student thinks himself/herself capable to handle the programme, we will not reject. Generally speaking, we do expect an average of upper primary school students can handle the programme.
Q: Is application fee required? 是否需要收取報名費用?
A: No
What are Experience Programme and In-Depth Programme? Who can apply to the programmes?
Experience Programme and In-Depth Programme are more intensive and comprehensive schemes designed for participants who are interested in gaining more exposures and are able to devote more time to SEYSA Youth Programme. Only participants enrolled into Experience Programme and In-Depth Programme could join the adventure-based camp and difference makers workshops. They are also expected to utilise the skills they learned to execute a difference maker project in groups and take part in the Youth Difference Makers’ Award. Depending on their availability and ability, junior and senior participants of SEYSA Youth Programme will decide whether or not to apply to Experience Programme or In-Depth Programme respectively in August 2017, application details of which will be released later this year.